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Event Calendar


Week 4  

31st January 2024 - Dementia Friendly Sing a long held at the  

PP Centre.   Come and sing with us to some oldies and goodies, a musical playlist of dementia friendly songs such as, ‘Singing in the Rain’.  11-12:30 

Week 6  

14th February 2024 - Happy Valentines Day! Dementia Friendly 

Activities visit to the Jason Roberts Foundation, Harlesden. 

We will be visiting the Jason Roberts Foundation to participate in Dementia Friendly activities that use sport, exercise and music to create stimulating activities. Leaving the Centre 10:30 Returning 13:00 

Week 5  

7th February 2024 - Caribbean Lunch held at the PPC 

Celebrating 50 years of Grenada Independence Supported by the 

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea 12:00 –15:00 

Attending this event is by registration only. For more information or to register for the lunch please contact the PPC 


9th February 2024 -Tea Dance, Fulham 

Join us for an afternoon of lunch and socialiing with Dance West. You will be entertained by a variety of dancers and you are welcome to join in and dance sitting or standing.  Leaving the Centre 12:15

Returning 16:30 



13th February 2024 –Big Bingo with the University of West London (UWL) Join us for Bingo, during UWL Volunteer Week at the PPC


Week 7  

28th February 2024 - Art Activities held at the PPC 

Socialize and engage in art-based activities, using paint, pencils, tissue paper etc. 11-12:30 


Week 8  

6th March 2024 - 50s-70s Sing a long held at the PPC 

Have some fun listening to music of the 50-70s, sing a long, and dance standing or seated) 11-12:30 


Week 9  

12th March 2024 - Kiln Cinema for Relaxed Screening of Some Like It Hot, Kilburn.  We’re visiting the Kiln Cinema for a ‘Dementia Friendly Relaxed Screening’ of Some Like It Hot.  Leaving the Centre 10:30 Returning 13:30 


Week 10  

20th March 2024 - Collage Creating held at the PPC     

Join us to design a piece of artwork for display. Create a collage using magazines, cutting and sticking. 11-12:30 


Week 11  

27th March 2024 - Dementia Friendly Activities visit to the  

Jason Roberts Foundation. Harlesden. 

Visit to the Jason Roberts Foundation to participate in Dementia Friendly Activities that use sport, exercise and music to create stimulating activities. Leaving the Centre 10:30 Returning 13:00 


Week 12  

3rd April 2024 - Collage Creating held at the PPC 

Continue and complete your collage as started in week 10.

Time 11-12:30 


Dance Classes held at the PPC, every Friday morning  

11-12:15, January – March 

Join us every Friday morning for dance with Dance West!  These are specialised classes for the over 60’s and for those with limited mobility. You will have fun and exercise your body to a variety of music and dance styles. Members can take part sitting or standing.  


Please note the following: 


*All Activities are free for members. For activities away from the PPC, minibus places are limited and are reserved on a first come first served basis.  Alternatively, you can make your own way there and home 


* Return times to the PPC are approximate  


*Contact the PPC if you’d like more information or to register for an activity. 

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